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群魔聚首,魔幻四起 --- “魔法達人角力賽2012” 蓄勢待發! P6ka'!z *-q&~ 自魔術熱潮掘起,世界各地均有不同賽事發生。經過無數觀眾之要求,這股旋風即將著陸於多倫多! o_kZ /l3O
a\Gd;C ^` 由加拿大A1中文電台 (http://www.ccue.com/a1_radio/web/) 主辦、多倫多華人魔術團 “Classic Force” 協辦之 “魔術達人” 正式隆重登場。今次賽事是多倫多首次舉行,並破天荒將魔幻舞台定於Market Village 進行魔術競技比賽。本賽事將會是本地多倫多魔術愛好者與職業魔術師之間的生死搏鬥,以 “最強魔術師” 作名譽之戰。 [z=!OFdE 介事將有世界著名魔術師、前美國魔幻魔術師Criss Angel技術顧問 --- Mr. Wayne Houchin作為今次賽事的表演嘉賓。 K
Z^>_K& Ukf:m&G 想一睹這位大師的風采嗎?想親身感受一下何為 “群魔大戰” 嗎?還等甚麼,立即來參加吧! Sz')1< p:{L fQ AE`{k-3=% 日期:2012年 4月14日 w
T_l>u 時間:晚上7時30 分 U7f
o4y1} 比賽場地:Markham Village (位於 Steeles & Kennedy Rd.) D(dV{^} 9 比賽資格:本賽事歡迎任何人仕參加 (不論任何年齡、國籍及性別) 比賽以廣東話為主;但是其他語言都歡迎。 NE)w$>0M 魔術類型:舞台魔術或近景魔術。這並不是指定 “大型舞台illusion” ;任何適合於舞台上表演之魔術即可,例如:從一個空的帽子變出一隻白兔等等。 mL'A
$BR` 如何參賽:本賽事以 YOUTUBE影片作第一輪初賽。由即日起直至今年3月30日,每位參賽者只需要提交一段約2分鐘 (最多五分鐘) 的YOUTUBE影片作為初賽輪選、並以電郵方式把影片寄到此電郵地址︴[email protected]。所有初賽影片必需要用以下標題作參賽資格: “Best Magician Contest 2012 1st Audition: XXXXXX (the title of your performance)”. (備注:影片後製是許可的;但是不能夠在魔術效果上作任何改動。兩分鐘是包括所有影片後製以及魔術效果。) h<PS< 48G^$ T{ Notes: Nt?=0X|M XbFo#Pwk · 請在本年3月24日 or 前提交參賽影片。任何在3月24日之後提交影片之參賽者,必需提交$20作為參賽費用。 ; 4/ n~ · 當提交參賽影片的時候,個人姓名及聯絡方法一同附上、作為聯絡之用 Ah5o>ZtcO · 每位參賽者只能提交一段影片當作初賽參加資格。. HJpx,NU' vQn hb% ~HT
:BO$ V|HO*HiB3 最後贏出今次大賽之魔術師將獲得以下獎品: n-qle5s j TM_bu 1. “Best Magician 2012” 獎座一個 d.B<1"MQ 2. 於今年7月1日國慶日在CNE進行個人表演 Xa$%`
3. 由贊助商送出之神秘禮物 dXsL0r*c 0R(['s:3` 想成為明日魔術之星?想在眾人前一展身手?快點來參加吧!!! 2~r2ErtS ----------------------------------------------------- hjk]?MC ,+gtr. Best Magician Contest 2012 s=E6HP@q U-f8D Hello all Magic Lovers, this is an opportunity to show your skills. r~fnK%
| SNSoV3|k- In the evening of April 14th, 2012, “[A1] Chinese Radio” (http://www.ccue.com/a1_radio/web/) is giving out opportunities to the magic lovers! Bringing along with own incredible skills, the candidates will enter into an exciting competition held on a magical platform in Market Village. :fy,%su F J?]|S.?, This never hosted magician contest is gathering a large amount of Toronto professionals within the magic scope and the qualified contestants will be challenging among themselves, and then finally compete for the fame of Top Magician in Toronto. ^(7
l! s*i,Ph Also, we are honor to have Wayne Houchin, giving an hour performance (exclusively) for the event, which you would not want to miss. pI>GusXg ]; g~)z 7*Zm{r@u 4mX]JH`UTe Date: April 14, 2012 (Saturday) kXUJlLod Time: 7:30pm X9^q-3&60 Contestant: All Ages, All Genders (The show will be hosted in Cantonese. However, English and other language speakers are welcomed.) dWwb}r(ky Performance: Stage Magic or Close Up Magic. For stage magic, it does not have to be “big stage illusion; any magic that can be performed on stage is fine, such as producing a rabbit from an empty hat etc.) s+G(N$0U Venue: Market Village (Steeles & Kennedy) k][{4~z
Audition: We will start with YOUTUBE audition right away. From now till 30th of March, all participants only need to submit a roughly 2-minute video (MAX: 5 minutes) to: [ [email protected]] [email protected][/email] . All videos should be titled as “Best Magician Contest 2012 1st Audition: XXXXXX (the title of your performance)”. (P.S. Video editing is permitted; HOWEVER, no editing on the MAGIC PERFORMANCE. Two minutes are including the effect AND all of the editing.) d& v 7l j/E(*Hv Notes: $`t2SD pjSM7PhQ · By submitting your video before March 24th, 2012, the entry fee will be automatically waived. Any video(s) submitted after March 24th, 2012, a $20 entry fee will be applied. $ >].;y?$ qxZf!NX5 · When submitting the video, please provide us your name and contact, so we can contact you. NxK.q)tj6 ]2iIk=r$ · ONE video entry per contestant. 8+(wAbp 29|nt1Z Py+ B 2G| - JFW ,8=8 The winner of the competition will be receiving the following: L6!Hv{ijn ~=oCou`XF aE"dpY
Q K!E\v4 1. “Best Magician 2012” trophy, @j%@Z 2. Your chance to perform live at CNE on July 1st, 2012 Canada Day. tO"AeZe%| 3. Gift(s) from our main sponsor(s). f6Y-ss;' 9fM=5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HyYJ"54 &fkH\o7) If you have any question, please contact with the team "Classic Force" : [email protected] [kgCB7.V ('d,Sh Look forward meeting you guys, See you all at there!! ]lE5^<<
G'nSnw ;4v`FC> 3(.Y>er%U [E2".F3 $I ,Np)i `G*fx=N {%,4P_m Tpkt'|8