世界氣球冠軍陳奕偉將邀請 蘇格蘭老師 Colin Myles來台灣做教學..教學內容分長條造型跟佈置兩部分...以下是暫時有問題的地方
C/U^8,6\n 1.
wgp{P>oBX 因為Colin 老師希望帶領大家實做所以分成兩天..原則上奕偉會分成一天長條造型.一天圓球佈置方面內
*\L\Bzm 9/'zk 容至於細節分面奕偉於美國會與Colin Myles老師詳談細節..回國後會有更詳細課程內容..
@OgR z^'3f!:3 AQ7w5}g+V 2.
|Q[[WHqj2f 地點方面奕偉選擇兩個地方(1)劍潭青年活動中心 (2)明德育樂(台北市士林區至善路三路)..靠近川籟溫泉
f+d[Q1 奕偉會提供不方便的朋友捷運站接駁服務...地點選擇也是回國後一周內公布..
^U)xQD" ha&2V= 如有更好地點歡迎提供..兩地點都有客房提供住宿..當然不包含在報名費當中..地點確定後奕偉會盡量
^ Pm*FA8 a7 爭取訂房優惠..
\c (R#*0, kzcl
;%{REa 3.
oF7o"NHaWa 費用方面是:7000元(未稅)..(包含2天的午餐..上下午茶餐點..材料費用)
N D`?T
&PK Db3#; 提供只選擇單天課程..單天費用是4500(未含稅)..(包含1天的午餐..上下午茶餐點..材料費用)
^Cs?FF@P fq-e2MCX5 原則上奕偉是打算3月21.22號開課..因為3月21號(星期六)是比較好嫁娶日子..
3+ JkV\
AF 76Ho\}-U"> 所以打算21號安排長條氣球造型內容 22號是圓球佈置內容...或者是22號(星期日)是長條氣球造型
q&]I Ahv %Q%m%2 23號(星期一)圓球佈置...因為Colin Myles老師必須於25號回國..因為歐洲還有其他課程..
YEqZ((H 68
vu 所以只能安排21~23號..19號到達台灣20號準備工作日..
m:_'r"o 歡迎大家給予意見與建議...一樣回國一周內確定時間..
o-H\vtOjE ]rY:C
"# 4.以下是Colin Myles老師的英文經歷表
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Vw_ OTwIR<_B+ Colin first worked with balloons in 1993, but it was not until 1994 when Colin attended
?%K7IJ% ^}8qPBz The first European Balloon Symposium in Amsterdam, that he realised the potential
qy|[V #6* j+SX^ That balloons held. In 1999 Colin competed for the first time and since then has collected
\W:~;GMeD MROe"Xj A number of awards .
U|ZYoc+]( XA PqRJ*Z Attention to detail and trying to understand all aspects of balloon design and technique
H!PMb{e 3g
ep_aC Are what Colin feels have been most important to him.
EVYICR 5g r~N:|ip= Colin feels passionately that the balloon industry is ready to take off in the near future
^/b3_aM5d 1g<jr. Which is the reason he competes and teaches. Colin says ‘ I am always trying to learn
|soDt<y+L ^qvN:v$1 From other artists whilst also trying to develop new techniques myself ‘ he also
nrU KsVN<eR{ States that he believes that only through top class instruction will the industry be
=\}#F f2ea|l Able to grasp the opportunities that will be presented in the coming years.
j%%& G$Tfu \k&2nYVHf p(vmMWR! }JPLhr|d^ AWARDS
)jc`_{PQg $S Kax#[ 1999 - 2nd place non round IPHS England
. *ETSx{)8 <MdIQ;I8 &&SA/;F 2001 - 3rd place centrepiece IPHS England
{^(h*zxn {B|)!_M# Designer of the year IPHS England
0[E}[{t` `-y
o-59E[ 3rd place non round IBAC USA
&pCa{p "=H(\V zp.-=)D4e iX
(<ozH 2002 - 2nd place delivery IPHS England
/h6K"w=='! e,V @t% 2nd place centrepiece IPHS England
x6N)T4J( 0KT^V R A~0eJaq+
M it3q 2003 - 3rd place delivery IBAC USA
Pnl+.? z'"e|) .! 'SG6 q Qze.1h 2004 - 2nd place delivery IBAC USA
EnW}>XN Y-YlQ^ :yFUlO: VCf/EkC 2005 - Joint designer of the year Qualatex event Holland
|f67aN [
0>I6Jl - 3rd place large sculpture IPHS England
|k,M$@5s GoSdo - 2nd place delivery IPHS England
8=kIN-l_ z.Y`"B'j` - 3rd place non round IPHS England
9:9gam 2;2FyKF ( J> Z.2 :}0>IPW-V 2006 - Designer of the year IPHS England
@'IRh9 - 1st place large sculpture IPHS England
XSOSy2: 6 rp(<D/_ - 2nd place non round IPHS England
9 ^+8b9y +V
Oczl= - 3rd place centrepiece IPHS England
%7}ibz4iF )
wqG^yv 6~b)Hc/ .s-V:k5 2007 - Designer of the year IPHS England
-HQ(t j; TXZ`|( - 2nd place Large sculpture IPHS England
C"7-lz "WF@T 2nd place centrepiece IPHS England
L*(Sh2=_ fmgXh)= 1st place non round IPHS England
+YD_ L ?q{HS&k ag02=}Q'r +%sMd]$,n 轉載自 tXXn