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The greatest magic tricks I have ever pulled off - without exception - has got to be my two kids. They are a complete wonder in my life and a constant source of amazement. They make me laugh and cry and in final analysis they give meaning to my very existence. What more could you ask for... -b9\=U[
On June 21st., baby Ione was born into the family of Las Vegas Magicians, Dirk Losander & Luna Shimada. Like most great magical mysteries she needs a bit of tweaking. An unexpected heart defect requires an operation that, as fate would have it, is not covered by medical insurance. <KL,G};0pm
Today, medical science is really astonishing but it also comes with a price. I know, because I am living proof of what can be done to the human heart to make it work the way it is supposed to function. |4;Fd9q^m
Our magic community is really a close-knit group bonded together in the mysteries of life. If you would like to assist baby Ione as part of the magic community, you may want to pitch-in with a prayer and a check for $25, $50 or more. Be part of the magical mystery of life in an unexpected way... help mend her heart and make your heart feel good. Send your financial assist check to: `EA\u]PwQ
Dirk Losander ) j#`r/
9850 S. Maryland Pkwy Suite A5#190 Bu~]ey1
Las Vegas NV 89123 \/r}]Vz
簡單翻譯-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "c%0P"u
我一生中最偉大的魔術, 無疑的, 就是我的兩個小孩. 他們是我生活中不斷驚奇的來源. 他們使我笑, 使我哭, 是我存在的意義. 我不可能要求更好的了 k<CJ{u0<
今年六月21日, Dirk Losander & Luna Shimada 的女兒 Ione 出生在Las Vegas的魔術師家族中. 就像許多的魔術, 她的情況也需要些改進. 意料外的, 她心臟有問題, 需要心臟手術來醫治. 而手術的費用並不在醫療保險補助之中. |6sp/38#p
現今, 醫療技術非常的先進, 可是也有它所需要的代價. 我知道是因為我本人是個活生生的例子. >*
我們的魔術圈子因為某種神奇力量所以獨特融合. 如果您希望幫助我們女兒Ione的話, 可以為我們禱告, 或是捐款至以下地址. Tztu}t]N
Dirk Losander U)]oO
9850 S. Maryland Pkwy Suite A5#190 ;u_X)
Las Vegas NV 89123