y*i&p4Y* 這次和大家介紹的牌
p&<Ssc ~R!1{8HP 其實已經出品好一段時間
aDbqh~7 NfgXOLthM 不過一直沒有被太多人注意
r6m^~Wq!} 甚至在美國到現在也還沒有賣完
T+0=Ou"N F(G..XJQ 曾經有關切過一段時間
?,vLRq. }\"EI<$s 但後來看到DD兄弟的Dave
n1f8jS+'} '$tCAS 在2008年11月22日於論壇中的評論後
.q@?sdGD ^{
+ry<rS> 對這副牌的興趣就降低許多
Ma^jy. -N45ni87 另外也因為這副牌只有運送美國
vhrf 89-q G$<(>"Yr~$ 因此就呈現隨緣的狀態∼
) O0Cz n >f]/VaMH{ 這副牌名叫「JAQK Signature Playing Cards」
tDK@?PfKz AjVC{\Ik 以下就整理Dave的測評和大家分享^^~
v ccH(T CY1WT k"N>pjgd$ Overview:
,MY7h8V/ These cards are a product of JAQK Cellers, a wine company based in San Francisco, CA. They incorporate elements of the companies brand and likewise, are not suitable for performance. This review is intended for the playing card enthusiast and collector.
,-pE/3|( 這副撲克牌出產自JAQK Cellers
`fBQ?[05. MKHnA|uQ]( 這間葡萄酒公司總部設在舊金山
tyA ;,4*uU'vq 他們運用撲克元素設計公司品牌商品
Ds`e-X)O;\ Nm*
(?1 本次評測的目的是為了撲克愛好者和收藏家
boo361L uC'-: t# eHphM;C The Look:
gQ+]N*. Hands down, they have one of the coolest box designs I've ever come across. It's printed on a very nice matte stock and utilizes both metallic ink and embossing. They also come wrapped in plastic, which is a nice touch.
D#g-mqar: 11H`WOTQF The cards them selves are beautiful. The designers, Katie Jain and Joel Templin, did a wonderful job accentuating the brand of their wine company by incorporating subtle elements, such as grapes, vines, and wine bottles. The faces are also entirely custom. I really like what they did with the court cards. They took traditional elements and completely reorganized and structured them into something fresh and cool.
l;; 2\mL? 外觀上來說
D|#l*V 0]DOiA 他們有著我曾經碰過最最酷的牌盒設計
KYFKH+d>m Ebnb-Lze, 這印在一個非常好的牌盒紙上
kuEXNi1l k%.v`H! 同時利用磨砂金屬油墨和壓花紋印
UUt"8]@[ E2e"A
I.h 他們也來到包裝在塑膠膜內
F\:~^` dfDjOZSL 也能夠讓人感受牌盒的獨特性
dAI^ P/y% Ni_H1G (P.S 個人相信這也是哨兵牌盒的設計源頭)
_Id'56N]J! .p#kW:zspA 撲克設計相當的美麗
BhJ>G% 7H7
Xbi@ 設計師Katie Jain和Joel Templin
h,{m{Xh )@g[aRFa 做了出色的設計用於突顯出葡萄酒公司
[EAOk=X uJ% <+I 並且融入許多微妙的元素
Y)rK'OY' 'oa.-g 5 如葡萄∼葡萄酒瓶等等
Dh)}Ms }LUvh 人頭牌也完全重新設計
.*o PUdv1__C 我真的很喜歡他們那樣的設計
xIM,0xM2 RNT9M:w 他們把傳統元素
&;BhL%)} PucNu8 徹底改組和融入一些創新的概念!
)&c2+Y@ */aY$a
Wv +b|F_ The Feel:
t~+M>Fjm?d I was really hoping these would become the next Absolut deck. However, the metallic ink used across the surface of each card must have something to do with the fact that they don't fan well. On the website, they mention the cards were printed by a manufacturer who prints cards for casinos, however, it doesn't say which one. It's definitely apparent that the cards are printed on a nice stock, and do have a nice finish. They were just simply not designed with casino use in mind.
9[eiN They're a nice deck of cards none the less, and I would recommend them for your card collection, but not for practice or performance.
PQHztS" 紙牌使用的感覺上
S:xXD^n#H GkAd"<B 原先我真的很希望這些將成為未來的Absolut絕對伏特加
BZeEZ2" jD
S?p)& 然而…
~;"eNg{T o|xf2k 油墨用的金屬表面的撲克造成開扇的不順暢
[OC(~b k[Em~>m 在官網上提到撲克是由USPCC製造
q\fbrv%I4 CmU@8-1 並且用於賭場
]iV]7g8: K9<8F
Sn 但是並沒有說是哪一個賭場
&h5Vhzq(< K;
#FU 不過這很明顯得是撲克上
omfX2Oa2 e{)giJY9 設計時並沒有考慮到賭場使用
*p{p.%Qs: W|PAI[N 因此這是副相當好看的撲克牌
|~9rak, o@Ye_aM~?Y 也建議收藏家對於撲克的收藏
J< !wYN",R- 但本身沒有太高實用性或紙牌性能~”~
t[|oSF#i @2Z|\ojJ Pf;OYWST wT@Z|.) 就是因為最後這段
f|> rp[Gk T8 FW(Gw# 讓我感受到Dave沒有很推薦
q!z?Tn#!jd *DJsY/9d}' 可是有機會的話
>tg)F|@ '(]Wtx%9" 還是想收藏看看∼畢竟很漂亮的一副牌^^~
}8O9WS `m 5\ 用來拍照一定很美!
0#|Jhmv-zL \mb4leg5 ,EQ0""G! H1N@E}> | 個人網站有更多撲克收藏介紹
B:zx 9 http://love.youthwant.com/3/default2.php?stud_id=100123572 (簡體版)
dDcQSshL http://love.youthwant.com.tw/3/default2.php?stud_id=100123572 (繁體版)
g@H<Q('fJ [ 此帖被kete1213在2011-02-26 16:25重新編輯 ]