Hi everyone,
Just another note to let you know that I am still ok and safe. As you know, we are in the middle of a national disaster and even though Tokyo has not been badly physically damaged, the aftermath of this earthquake is definitely taking a toll on everyone.
I’ve already lost count but I know we’ve already had over 90+ earthquakes in the past 48 hours, water and food supply is short or almost sold out in most major stores, the nuclear plant is unstable, and the power plants are blacking out parts of our area at 3 hour increments in an effort to conserve energy.
Thank you all for your concerns and worries. me, my family, and friends are all ok and safe for the time being.
Will keep you all posted again.
www.cyrilmagic.com簡單翻譯大概是說他現在還是安全的,但是這次的地震的後遺症在48小時裡有九十幾個地震,食物和水都已經快要被賣光,核電廠現在很不穩定,每一天會停電大概三個小時的時間因為要省電。Cyril、他家人於朋友現在都還是很安全。 (希望各位大大都看的懂我的破中文 ><)